There are various possibilities for this, whether your company consists of 10 employees or 1000. Take the app on your desktop or the connection to your CRM system, for example. That gives a lot of insight. Do you have a small environment? Then we have a device with a large screen with buttons that show the availability and names of your colleagues and/or departments. Need more? Then we have extra modules for next to your phone with even more buttons and lights. Do you need a really large number of buttons (100+)? Then we have an application on your pc where you can set everything up custom and on a separate screen on your pc you can see your colleagues and connect to them directly. Of course, you can work on your device or on your pc with a headset that leaves your hands free and also allows you to walk at least 50 metres away from your workstation. You can also use your smartphone to answer calls if you need to take care of something. You can always transfer the call you are making to/from any of your devices you are calling.