Collaborate anywhere, anytime
without technical limitations
Do you already work together in the cloud in a modern and secure way?
With Managed IT - Modern Working, you will work together efficiently.
You work together with your colleagues and IT has to make you perform.
How can technology do this for you safely, anywhere and anytime?
We will tell you everything you need to know about Modern Working.

Part of Managed IT
What is Modern Working?
Modern Working ensures productivity and flexibility. Your hub for team files, conversations and meetings. Everything safe in one place, available everywhere where you work. With Modern Work you move data to the punch linedso that a fixed physical location is no longer necessary. This environment is secure and is made available in programmes that focus on Modern Work. With Office 365 and Microsoft Teams you work together optimally and you also integrate applications that you may already be using such as your CRM, Trello, Asana, Jira and many more.
You are worried and rightly so!
What about data security? The costs of
Modern Work? The adoption of my employees?
Microsoft Teams is part of Office 365 and we provide the licence and daily support. Enterprise security and compliance is part of Office 365, and so is Teams. We take care of your security. Finally, adoption: can your staff do it? What is needed in this transition phase? We'll help you with every doubt, every problem, every step, and make sure that your staff starts working togetherefficiently .
Why Modern Working is a good idea
Working together everywhere
A conference call with 40 people or a webinar? Do you need a calendar or a clear schedule for a project? Do you just want to chat with colleagues or have files neatly organised in your team? Collaborate everywhere is the core of Modern Work.
Easy collaboration
Microsoft Teams is created by Microsoft, but it's equally available for Apple. It doesn't matter on which device or where you work. Someone working from a café on his MacBook can collaborate perfectly online with another person in the office.
Working together efficiently
By bringing conversations, data and applications together in one place, you know where everything is. This makes collaboration much easier and more efficient.
Working together safely
With one clear environment in the cloud, you ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of your data. In a programme such as Microsoft Teams, you work in a secure environment.
We make sure technology doesn't getin your way
The first step is to plan the transition with a plan of action. How do you work now? How do we make the transition to Modern Working? What can we give give you a fresh start? We can help with the insight, the impact and the easy steps to success.
Set up
We ensure that you can get started with this new way of working. If you choose Microsoft Teams, we will help you in a refreshingly simple way toset everything up the way you want it.
And with 'secure by design', we of course ensure that everything is completely safe by means of reports and monitoring.
Continuity issues
Once everything is up and running, we won't leave you in the lurch. You can use our passionate and friendly full-service helpdesk for all your questions. We also give advice and keep you up to date with the latest developments. This way, we guarantee optimum performance and efficiency for the long term.
With 'secure by design' we ensure
safe products with continuity
What do you need?
Our team of professionals to get off to a healthy start and continue to grow in efficient collaboration and an Office 365 licence. Everything you need is in here.
Modern Work is suitable if you...
...want to work together more efficiently. Conversations, data and applications do not yet work together optimally and therefore do not ensure efficient cooperation. With Modern Work you actually combine the functionalities of your fileserver or Dropbox, Skype, Trello and Slack. Only now you just use one programme (Microsoft Teams) instead of all those separate programmes. This ensures finer communication and more efficient work processes.
...are prepared (but not necessarily ready) to switch. Modern Work only works if you switch completely, you can 't continue to use it alongside. It doesn't matter if youdon't fully understand or trust Modern Workyet . We completely understand. We are experienced in this and will gladly take away all yourdoubts and uncertainties.
...are willing to learn. It is tempting to tempting to stick to the known the known. Change takes time and effort, but we promise you: in the case of of Modern Work it is worth it. worth it. We help your organisation organisation and employees by involving them in the process and the adoption. We are there for you every step of the way.
Frequently asked questions about Modern Working
Sure. Office 365 has many techniques that provide security for accessing, modifying or sharing data. Steering and controlling these processes are also part of the ecosystem for regulatory compliance. Want to know more about this or see how it works? Feel free to call us for an appointment.
Through engagement and responsibility. By empowering you to work with engagement and responsibility, barriers to working together are reduced or eliminated. By including people in the planning, changes and what is possible, you give energy instead of change. We help you with the process and involving people/employees in modern collaboration. This way you let technology work for you and not against you. This shifts you from 'having to work together' to 'being able to work together efficiently'.
Cooperation is something that people do, not technology. Modern Work is not about people, but about removing the barriers that technology creates or used to create. By removing these barriers, you can really work together efficiently. So see Modern Working as a tool and especially as a catalyst.
Having a single hub/application allows you to communicate, work with data and applications as a team. Adding communication to your data makes for true collaboration - wherever you are in the world and at any time. No barriers. All you need is a working internet connection.
Yes! Invite people to read files or even participate in creating the content. You can also invite external parties in Teams and/or Channels to become part of your productivity. You can determine what they can do in your environment (read, create, take control). As a company, you can influence whether or not you want this. In the Office 365 Compliance overview you can see which data is available to whom.
You can be an excellent team player by working in Outlook, Word, Excel and all your business applications. You don't bother anyone and you're productive. However, if you want to collaborate and work more efficiently with colleagues and/or externals, then working in Microsoft Teams is fine, convenient and enjoyable. You can even do that online without working on your own PC or device. Nothing has to.
First of all, we help you with information about what it is, how it can work for you and we show you how it works in practice. With thorough planning, we help you with the technology and give you direction and concrete help on how to start and staff with change. After that, we help you with daily support for questions, breakdowns and changes.
Microsoft Teams is an application that is part of Office 365. You can use it to communicate (chat, audio, video), access your business (team) data and connect to other Office 365 applications. You can also connect to all kinds of external (cloud) applications, such as Trello, Asana, CRM, etc: Trello, Asana, CRM, PowerBI, Jira, and so on. Microsoft Teams is a hub for your daily work, communication and collaboration with others.
This is a cloud service provided by Microsoft. You can make use of various services and products depending on your subscription. The most well-known are:
- Office Suite (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.) on your pc, Mobile/Tablet or online
- Exchange mailbox online from 50-100GB
- 1TB of storage for company data (per company) via SharePoint
- OneDrive for Business with 1TB storage per person for private use and pc backup
- Microsoft Teams for collaboration (chat, audio/video conferencing) and as a hub for data, applications and communication between various Office 365 components and external (cloud) software/services.
- Various online Apps for better collaboration and productivity: Planner, OneNote, To-Do, Stream, Sway and many more
- Microsoft Power Platform. Power Automate: automate tasks across all Office 365 components without programming skills
- PowerApps: build your own applications online to extend and customise Office 365 or to develop complete applications or connections to existing applications
Microsoft Teams is an application that is part of Office 365. You can use it to communicate (chat, audio, video), access your business (team) data and connect to other Office 365 applications. In addition, you can connect to all kinds of external (cloud) applications such as, for example: Trello, Asana, CRM, PowerBI, Jira, etc. Microsoft Teams is thus a gathering place for your daily work, communication and collaboration with others.
Where should we start? It is of course very personal, but to name the core you will mainly work together and more efficiently. You work together in Teams, where you work with data, communication, applications and information from various sources. You'll work more efficiently because you can work anywhere, on your workstation or mobile phone. With the addition of Microsoft Teams, you see that many sources of information come together in one ecosystem. With Office 365, you have a platform with many applications (in addition to the standard Office Suite that we are all familiar with) that give your productivity a boost because they directly affect your data and way of working. Call us for a demo and we will show you what it looks like in practice.
Backup is an old-fashioned limited way of securing your data. You can do much better. Let your cloud service fulfil this role. Think version control (see for yourself what happens to documents and/or data), retention (go back in time and secure data as it once was) or retaining transaction-based data about how you work.
If you work in the cloud, then that is the basis for your data. With Office 365, for example, your data is safe in the cloud at Microsoft. Think of Azure, Microsoft's cloud platform. Think also of SharePoint (don't worry... it's only used as storage... you don't have to work with it) and OneDrive to make your data available everywhere.
Employees and change... that's always something to think about. With a transition to Modern Working, we include this in our working method. Through customer engagement, we take you and your employees along in the changes. With e-mails, relevant information and training, we ensure that everyone knows what is going to happen. By giving employees more responsibility over the way they work and letting them work in teams, a connection is quickly created. You could almost say that benefits are the engine of success. If you have employees who don't want all this, of course you can. You can always keep working in the 'old' way with your data, but then you miss all the benefits.
No. It's not about cloud or servers, it's about an idea of working. We do know from experience that working in the cloud is much easier. In fact, maintaining a server park with all the peripheral issues (uptime, security, backups, continuity, availability etc) is much more expensive. By using Office 365 and other Office 365 applications, for example, you can quickly make a fresh start.
Yes. With "secure by design," working safely is paramount at Lime Networks. We ensure that your data is secure (including in the cloud) and that the path to your data is also secure. You don't have to worry about the availability and integrity of your data. With retention and versioning of data, you can make mistakes without impacting the organization.
Once the background is in place, you're ready to go. Whether you work on your Apple laptop in a coffee shop, on your iPad at home or with a Microsoft workstation in the office. You can work with virtually any solution anywhere. That is the essence of modern working. No complicated security. It is simple and cleverly arranged. Employees can get to work without any problems and do not have to worry about security or data. With an internet connection, you can work immediately, even if you are not working on your own pc.
That depends very much on the chosen solution and whether you are already working with certain solutions. As an example: if you already work with Office 365, then you already have a licence that allows you to work in a modern way. So in fact, it costs nothing. Of course, you need to set up and secure everything, engage your staff and have a training course at the office (1 to 2 hours) for a fresh start. The costs of this are still manageable. Especially when you see how much more effective you will be working together with your colleagues! Oh yes; once you have started, we are there for you with answers and help for your questions and problems. Our skilled helpdesk is always ready for you.
Actually, Modern Work is the next step in efficient cooperation. In fact, every organisation is ready for it. Of course, we are happy to explain the effect on your organisation and give you customised advice - whether you work in production, have a consultancy firm or are in financial services.
Collaborate anywhere, anytime, without technical limitations.